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Q: What was the most significant invention in Elizabethan time?
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What was the most significant invention of the Elizabethan era time?


What was the most significant invention of this time and why?

It was mobile for it's connecting facilities.

Why is the gps the most important invention of all time?

While GPS is helpful it is not the most important invention of all time. Some would say computers are the most important invention of all time. However what powers both of these things? Electricity seems to be the most important invention of all time.

What was pre Elizabethan?

Pre-Elizabethan was the time Queen Elizabeth I lived. It was also called the Elizabethan time.

What is the most used invention of all time?

the lightbulb

How many people where executed in Elizabethan times bled?

Everyone that was executed in Elizabethan times bled. Most of the executions in Elizabethan time was done by beheading, which meant that they would have head cut off so therefore they would bleed.

How would you say arent in Elizabethan times?

If you mean to describe a time that was not Elizabethan, you could refer to the time before or after the Elizabethan era, such as the Tudor period or the Stuart period.

What is an invention that saves time?

One of the most life changing invention is the internet, It provides us with information in an instant.

During what age time was William Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare was alive during the Elizabethan period. He was the most famous playwrite of his time.

What invention from this time period do you think has had the most lasting effect?


Why were pyramids the most important invention in ancient Egyptian time?

the pyramids were and still is the most important invention in ancient Egyptian time because, the pyramids were made for the kings and pharaoh and in Egyptian times they were the most important people in Egypt.

What was the Elizabethan times named after?

Elizabethan times are called that because it was the time when Elizabeth I was Queen of England.