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Expeditionary forces.

Also, Doughboys.

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Q: What was the name given to American forces that landed in France in 1917?
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What was the name given to the US forces in ww1?

The entity that was comprised of American forces in World War One was referred to as the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF).

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In France, soccer is known as football. Not many people play the American version of football in France. It is impossible to know exactly how many people play football in a given country.

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What was convention for naming World War 2 Normandy beaches?

The code name for the Battle of Normandy in June of 1944 was Operation Overlord. The codes given to the different beaches were Utah, Omaha, Juno, Gold, and Sword. The Americans landed at the Utah and Omaha Beaches, while the British were assigned to the Sword and Gold Beaches. Canadian forces landed at Juno Beach.

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