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Q: What was the name given when Nazis took Jews out of their homes in the holocaust?
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What name is given to the attempt by the Nazis to eradicate the Jews?

The Holocaust.

What were one of the reasons given by the Nazis for the Holocaust?

that the Jews brought it upon themselves for starting the war.

How did the killings of the Nazis link to the later holocaust of Jews and gypsies?

It was the Nazis who carried out the Holocaust.

What is the name given to the slaughter of Jews Gypsies and homosexuals at the hands of the Nazis?

The Holocaust (also called the Shoah)

The Holocaust was the Nazi's mass murder of who?

The Nazis killed mainly Jews in the holocaust but also people who were 'feeble minded', 'crippled', and even POWs.

How dis Nazis kill the Jews?


How many Jews are alleged to have been killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust?

6,000,000 Jews were killed during the holocaust.

How are Nazis and Jews alike?

Nazis and Jews are not alike in any way. Those people who say or believe that Nazis and Jews are alike are not only wrong, they are intolerant and bigoted. Nazis, the followers of Adolph Hitler, discriminated against Jews, and murdered or tortured many Jews in the Holocaust. Ask any Holocaust survivor, and they will tell you how the Nazis harmed the Jews. They will also tell you that Jews are not Nazis, and are not like the Nazis in any way.

Were the Jews accpted in their new homes after the holocaust?

no the Jews were not accepted in their new homes

What was the result of the Nazis' hate against the Jews?


The holocaust was the Nazis’ mass murder of?

European Jews

What is the word for the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis?

The term is the Holocaust.