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Q: What was the name of the Cuban leader during the 60's?
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Yes they were in the 60s.

What was the most popular name in the 60s?

The most popular names in the 60s were Thomas, Charles, and Paul.

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Who sings the song that has a motorcycle wreck at the end from the 60s or 70s the 1960s or the 1970s?

Leader of the Pack

What facts happened during the 60s?

MLK Ihave a dream!

What years did the US experience racism heavily?

All during the 60s

When was the wrecking ball invented?

It was most popular during the 1950s-60s.

How old is the name amber?

its old school like 60s.

What was the name of Alabama governor in the 60s that spoke out?

George Wallace

What was the name of the 60s Native American female folksinger?

Joan baez

What kind of democracy was it like in the 60s?

representative democracy because of there were presidents during that time

I am doin a report for American history and i need to know the history behind sex in the '60s?

During the '60s, sex was used as a way of rebeling. Not to mention the usage of drugs and alcohol. The '60s were also the "hippie era" that included the belief of absolute freedom, such as free sex.