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The blood of the gods was called Golden Ichor.

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Q: What was the name of the blood coursing through the veins of gods?
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What was the name of the blood coursing through the veins of the gods?

Ichor is the fluid believed to have run through the veins of the gods.

What was the name of the blood coursing through the god's veins to make them immortal?

IchorIchor the golden blood of the gods

What do immortals have running through their veins?

They have Ichor, the golden blood of the gods.

What flows through veins of gods in greek mythology?

The golden blood of the gods known as "Anchor"

What flows through the veins of greek gods?

In Greek mythology, it is generally believed that the gods and goddesses have ichor flowing in their veins instead of blood. Ichor is often described as a golden, divine fluid that grants immortality to the gods.

What flows through the veins of Gods in Greek Mythology?

Ichor. It is like blood, only it belongs to gods and goddesses.

Blood of the gods in Greek mythology?

The ancient Greeks believed that the gods had "Golden Blood" or ichor running through their veins instead of regular blood like mortals.

What is Immortal Fluid in veins Greek Gods?

Ichor is the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of immortal Greek gods and goddesses.

What is the gods blood that made them immortal?

they did not have blood they had a substance called"ichor' flowed in their veins

Fluid in veins of Greek gods?

It is a type of blood believed to have the colour of gold. it is called ichor

What made the greek gods immortal?

they had a special type of blood in their veins

In Greek mythology fluid flowing through the veins of gods?

It was called ichor.