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Q: What was the name of the cartoon with a human like red panda panda and a mouse flying on a dragon?
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Walt Disney[of Mickey Mouse and friends] Akira[ of some dragon-type charactors] Jim Davis [of Garfield]

What is the cartoon torn cat and mouse?

I am unaware of any "torn cat" cartoon, but there is a cartoon "Tom and Jerry," where Tom is the cat, and Jerry is the mouse. "The Simpsons" contains a cartoon cat and mouse "Itchy and Scratchy" which is based on "Tom and Jerry."

Who is mickey mouse's cartoon girlfriend?

Minnie Mouse.

Where can a person watch a Minnie Mouse cartoon?

A great place to watch a Minnie Mouse cartoon would be on the Disney Channel, but to watch a Minnie Mouse cartoon you will have to watch the Disney Channel in the morning.

What cartoon has a patriotic mouse?

You might be thinking of the cartoon short-The Mouse on the Mayflower. Start your cartoon pilgrammage! It was always a special, aired on Thanksgiving, naturally.

Cartoon character starting with M?

a cartoon character starting with the letter M could be mickey mouse , minnie mouse

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Amos Mouse

What is the name of Scratchy's cartoon nemesis?

If you are referring to the cartoon characters from the Simpsons, the answer is Itchy, the cartoon mouse.

Cartoon mouse duo including Meek?

Mickey and Minnie Mouse!!!

Where did Mickey Mouse go to college?

no where he is a mouse.....and he is a child's cartoon character

What is a Cartoon character name starting with an m?

Mickey Mouse Minnie mouse

What animal is Speedy González?

Speedy Gonzales is a cartoon character, and is a mouse.