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Q: What was the name of the castle Martin Luther hid in?
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What was the name of the German prince who sheltered martin Luther?

Frederick the Wise arranged a pretend kidnapping in order to protect Luther from harm. From April 1521 to March 1522 Luther, disguised as "Knight George," hid in the Wartburg Castle.

Where did Martin Luther hide from the Church?

A:Martin Luther never hid from the pope. He was offerred safe conduct to stand trial in Rome, but understandably refused, citing what had happened to Jan Huss who had also been promised safe conduct but ended up burnt at the stake. He remained in Germany, where he was relatively safe.

Who was Luther vandross boyfriend?

he doesnt have a boyfriend he really wanted to have one but he hid himself in the closet.

How did pope Leo x react to martin Luther's thoughts?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Holy Father tried to reason with Martin Luther, and send people to deal with his objections. When all else failed, he excommunicated him in an effort to stem the damage to Christ's faithful.

Did James Earl Ray go to jail when he killed Martin Luther King Jr?

James Earl Ray eventually went to jail for the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. After the shooting, Ray escaped to Toronto, Canada, where he hid for a month. Ray eventually made his way to London, England, where he was captured at London Heathrow International Airport on June 8, 1968. Ray was then extradited back to the United States where he confessed to killing King and was sentenced to 99 years in prison on March 10, 1969.

Where did the name Oakley originate?

it was a man who hid in a tree

Who started the Reformation?

Martin Luther's private doubt that the Pope had the authority to sell indulgences (paper documents that one could buy to free oneself from a sin) grew into a church debate after Luther nailed 95 theses against the church door in Wittenberg. This practice of displaying an invitation for a scholarly debate was normal at that time, particularly for a professor of theology, which is what Luther was. Luther's reluctance to believe in absolute papal authority was not a singular man's concern: there were numerous other scholars who challenged the grip of the Catholic clergy onto laypersons. Among the educated and/or well-to-do citizens, many felt that the Church was politically too powerful. The zeitgeist smacked of other things: mercantilism, humanism, the stirrings of individuality, a yearning for more freedom. Luther was forced to see the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but would not recant. A powerful duke (of Saxony) "kidnapped" Luther on his way home from the meeting with the emperor and hid him in his castle. There Luther translated the Bible into the German language -- breaking a thousand-year-old necessity to have Latin-trained clergy mediate biblical content to laity. Afterward, the people who protested the Catholic Church's monopoly on the relations between God and humans called themselves Lutherans or Protestants. This schism was the single most-weakening event in the Catholic Church.

What was the name of the family that hid with the Frank family?

The "Van Pels".

What name rhymes with Sid?

lid, hid, bid, rid

What was the name of the woman who hid the spies at Jericho?


Where did Fredrick Douglass get hid last name?

from a kind of glass and that is his dads last name

What is the simple past of hide?

The simple past of "hide" is "hid." For example, "She hid the present behind the couch."