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Q: What was the name of the chinese rebels who wanted to drive foreigners out of their country?
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It depends on who is telling the story of course. The king is going to call them rebels. The followers of these "rebels" are going to call them patriots.

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because he wanted help to fight against the foreigners.

Why did the US support rebel groups to declare their independence from Colombia and form the country of Panama?

The Colombian government had been blocking U.S. plans to build a canal in Panama. So Teddy Roosevelt supported Panamanian rebels to get what he wanted.

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The English rebels did not care what the Scottish or Irish wanted.

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They were called rebels or patriots, depending on who you talked to.

What is the Chinese meaning for I am wanted?

It means the same in Chinese as it does in English

What is same and different between the civil wars of America and Libya?

A difference is that in Libya there were two groups fighting for control of ALL of one country. This is a true civil war. In what's called the American Civil War, the Rebels did not want to take over the entire country; what they wanted was for the part of the country where they lived to become a new country, separate from the US. This is more of a rebellion than a true civil war. Similarities are harder to find. From what I understand most Libyans supported the Rebels and were eager to see the old regime defeated. In the US "Civil War", at least at first, there was a lot of popular support for establishing the new southern Confederate States of America in those states which rebelled, and even some in the states which remained loyal to the US. Many people thought if the Rebels wanted out, let them go, its not worth a war to make them stay. Another similarity might be that the existing governments had the military and all the weapons. The Rebels had a difficult time finding arms equal to those of the government forces. And, in both cases the Rebels hoped for active military assistance from other nations, which the Libyan Rebels received, but the Confederate Rebels did not.