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Q: What was the name of the compromise that was reached at the constitutional convention?
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The constitutional convention

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It was called the Connecticut Compromise. In 1787, at the Constitution Convention, this compromised was reached in which a bicameral legislature was accepted, where there would be a Senate and a House of Representatives.

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Rhode Island did not attend the Constitutional Convention.

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Constitutional Convention

Why was the Constitutional Convention not called that at the time?

The Constitutional Convention was not referred to by that name because the convention was held to amend the Articles of Confederation, not to create a new framework for the US government. At the time, it was referred to alternately as the Convention at Philadelphia, or the Philadelphia Convention. It acquired the "Constitutional" label later because that it was a more appropriate name for the historic event.

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Describe compromise the delegates reached concerning representation. By what name was this compromise known?

I believe it is called the three fifths compromise.

What was the first name of the man who proposed the two- house legislature?

In American politics, the man to propose a two-house legislature was Roger Sherman when he came up with the Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

What was the name of the meeting that changed the articles of confederation to the constitution?

constitutional convention

Describe the compromise the delegates reached concerning representation by what name was this compromise known?

The compromise was known as the Connecticut Compromise. They reached this compromise by the delegates debating and then they came up with a legislature with two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. This is all about my homework ! lol ! i need help too !