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Q: What was the name of the dog on PBS's Upstairs Downstairs?
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How do you make a dog get a bath?

you have to give them treats. here are the steps. #1. get your dog into the bathroom #2. let your dog adjust to the bathroom #3. then try to make the bathroom comfortable and try t lift you dog i the bath #4. then hold your dog and wash her #5. after that if your bathroom is upstairs dry your dog off and carry him/her downstairs thats how you clean your dog

How do you stop a male dog fighting a female dog over food They have plenty of room and if you spread the food out or stick it in two different food bowls nothing works?

Feed them at separate times or in separate parts of the house. Lock one upstairs and one downstairs if that helps.

I found neat small piles of dog food tucked into a sweater left over the winter in an upstairs drawer. My shih tzu eats downstairs and cannot open drawers. What hides dog food in sweaters in drawer?

Rodents of many types will stash food. Look for droppings around the areas the food was stored in and you can tell what type of rodent it was or is, that is, a pest specialist should be able to tell you.

Why does my dog eat my wife's bloody mini-pads?

gross!!! uh maybe because your dog likes the scent and taste of blood? by jesica213 why does your wife leave them where the dog can get to them? that is what i keep asking her....she throws them in the trash upstairs in our bathroom and our dog sneaks "slurks" out of the family room and when i go upstairs and walk into the bathroom, merry freakin xmas...

Where will great danes sleep in the house?

Well it depends on where you want them to sleep. They can sleep downstairs or upstairs. They love dog beds. I do not have one but I have a book all about dogs and they pretty much sleep wherever. Because they have very prominent bones with little padding, they need to sleep on a very soft, padded surface. They love large sofas and king size beds.

What do you do when your friend comes round and dont like dogs?

Just try and keep the dog away from her. When your upstairs keep the dog downstairss and if you go into the lounge or something then just put the dog in another room or in the garden

Can you name a dog pj?

yes you can name a dog pj you can name dog anything

What is the name of the name of the Grinchs dog?

The name of the dog is Max the Dog .

What is the grinch's dog name?

The name of the dog is Max the Dog .

What is the Dog's name in the Show of A Dog With A Blog?

The dog's name is Stan

Would you name a dog dog?

i would name a dog taco if it is a chihuahua

What is the name of peter hatchers dog?

The name of Peter Hatcher's dog is "Turtle" the name of the dog is "Turtle".