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Qin dynasty

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Q: What was the name of the dynasty the first emperor of china was founded by?
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The first emperor of china declard himself emperor in what dynasty?

In the Qin dynasty

What dynasty did the first emperor of China rule?

The Qin Dynasty

What was the first emperor of the china's dynasty?

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Who was the emperor of the song dynasty?

Emperor Taisu of Song was the first emperor of the Song Dynasty. He ruled China from the year 960 to 976.

Who reunited China and found the Song dynasty in 960?

Zhao Kuangyin is the first emperor of Song dynasty.

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Emperor Taisu of Song was the first emperor of the Song Dynasty. He ruled China from the year 960 to 976.

Who is shih haung ti?

He is the first emperor of the Ch'in or Qin Dynasty of china.

What dynasty did Han Gaozu rule in?

Emperor Gaozu of Han was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty, which ruled over china from 202 BCE to 195 CE.

What did China's first emperor do?

The first emperor of china might not have existed, his name was Yu the Great, founder of the mythical Xia dynasty. He introduced flood control, according to the legend.

When did the china first build an empire?

Qin (Chin) Dynasty he ended war and became first emperor.

Who was the emperor of china around 1275?

Around this time period, China was under what is called the Southern Song Dynasty. During this dynasty Kublai Khan, a Mongolian invader, became the emperor of China.

What idea did the first emperor of the Qin dynasty have that greatly affected the landscape of china?

an electric can opener