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Apollo 11, July 1969.

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Q: What was the name of the first Mission to Land Men ON the Moon?
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What was the name of the Apollo mission that want to the moon?

Apollo 11 was the first mission to land an astronaut on the moon.

What was the name of the first space mission to land humans on the moon?

What was the name of the first manned lunar landing mission? It was the Apollo 11 mission.

Name of the first moon mission in 1969?

Apollo 10 was the first lunar mission in 1969, but they did not land on the moon. The first lunar landing was performed by the crew of Apollo 11.

What was the name of the first Apollo mission to the moon?

Apollo 8 was the first one to send astronauts to orbit the moon, but they did not land on it. Apollo 11 was the first manned lunar landing.

What was the name of the US space mission to the moon?

Apollo 13 was the name of the mission that landed the first men on the moon.

What was the name of the 1st' manned lunar mission on the moon?

It depends on what you're looking for. Apollo 8 orbited the moon on December 24, 1968. Apollo 11 became the first mission to land on the moon on July 10, 1969.

What was the name of the 1st manned lunar landing mission on the moon?

The name was Apollo 11 of the first moon landing mission in 1969.

What was the name of the first manned lunar landing mission?

Apollo 11Apollo 11 was the name of the first moon landing mission.

What is the name of the spacecraft for India mission moon.?

India's first moon mission sends the unmanned spacecraft is named Chandrayaan-1 to the moon.

What was the name of the mission that first landed on the moon?

"Luna 2" was the first USSR spacecraft on the surface of the moon, in 1960. "Ranger 4" was the first US spacecraft on the surface of the moon, in 1963. Both Luna-2 and Ranger-4 were crash landings. "Apollo 11", launched by the US, was the first mission to land men on the moon and return them safely to earth, in 1969.

What was the name of the mission of walking on the moon?

The first mission to land on and walk on the moon was Apollo 11, which landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. Altogether a total of six missions landed on and walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972:Apollo 11Apollo 12Apollo 14Apollo 15Apollo 16Apollo 17

What is the name of the first manned mission to the moon?

Apollo 11