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The first rocket the US sent up into space was the Jupiter C launch vehicle and its payload was Explorer 1 the first American Satellite.

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The first rocket the US sent up into space was a modified V-2 rocket called Bumper 8. It was launched on February 24, 1949 from the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

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What is the name of the first rocket sent up to space?

The first rocket sent into space was called V-2, which was launched by Germany in 1944.

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The first thing sent into space was a rocket. The V-2 rocket, developed by Germany during World War II, was launched into space in October 1942.

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In July 1950 NASA launched their first rocket into space, the Bumper 2.Launched under the direction of the General Electric Company, Bumper 2 was used primarily for testing rocket systems and for research on the upper atmosphere.

What country sent the first monkey into space?

The first monkey in space was sent by the United States. The monkey named Albert I was launched aboard a V-2 rocket in 1948 as part of a research experiment.