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Okinawa was invaded April 1, 1945, in Operation Iceberg. The Battle lasted 82 days, and was the only battle in the Pacific outside the Philippines where the territory was large enough that the US deployed an entire field army. The island is some three hundred miles from the home islands of Japan, but was considered part of the Tokyo prefecture. Since it was "homeland" the Japanese were even more fanatical in defense than they usually were. The island had also been the prewar home of the Japanese artillery school, which meant that Japanese artillery knew every wrinkle of the land and exacted an exorbitant toll of Americans. The campaign also saw the first heavy use of Kamikaze suicide aircraft which damaged dozens of US ships. Kamikazes could easily make the one-way trip from the home islands.

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Q: What was the name of the last island that America gained before they proceeded to the mainland of Japan?
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