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Q: What was the name of the lunar module the first astronauts drove on the moon?
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How did the astronauts enter the Lunar Module?

There was a hatch in the lunar module.

Vehicle that took the first astronauts to the moon?

It was the lunar module The Eagle.

What was the name of the lunar landing module used by the first astronauts on the moon?


What was the purpose of the Apollo lunar module?

The purpose of the Lunar module was to carry the astronauts, from the command module to the Lunar surface and back from the moon.

What is the lunar module engine?

The Lunar module, is a spacecraft part of the Apollo spacecraft, the job is they use the Lunar module to transfer astronauts to and from the moon.

What did astronauts live on the moon?

While on the moon the astronauts lived in their lunar module.

How did astronauts land on the moon?

The astronauts landed on the moon, with the help of the lunar module.

Who were the astronauts that landed the lunar module of the Apollo 11 mission on the moon?

Astronaut Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the two astronauts who landed the lunar module on the moon.

Who were the first astronauts to land a model on the moon?

The Lunar Module was not a model. The first to land on the moon was Apollo 11's "Eagle".

What did the astronauts use as a lifeboat after the explosion on Apollo 13?

lunar module

Who was filming the astronauts as they climbed out of the space ship on the moon for the first time?

A camera mounted on the outside of the Lunar Module filmed Armstrong's first steps. It was activated from inside the module.

What was the craft neil Armstrong traveled in to the moon?

There was two parts, the command module and the lunar module. The command module was used to take them to Lunar orbit, and then the Lunar module was used to land them on the Moon. The Lunar module then lifted the astronauts off the Moon and into Lunar orbit. They then docked with the command module and then got rid of the lunar module. Then the final trip home, they were safely inside the command module.