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Pagan raiders who sold him as a slave in Ireland.
St Patrick was captured by Irish raiders who attacked his home town along the coast of England, stealing livestock and people to use as slaves.
pirates who sailed to ireland and sold him

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Niall of the Nine Hostages

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Q: What was the name of the man who captured Saint Patrick?
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What was the name of the man that bought Saint Patrick as a slave?

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There is no historical evidence to suggest that St. Patrick was a bad man. He is widely recognized as the patron saint of Ireland and is known for spreading Christianity in Ireland during the 5th century.

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The farmer who bought Saint Patrick to work as a slave was named Milchu. Saint Patrick was enslaved in Ireland and worked for Milchu for six years before escaping.

Why is Saint Patrick's Day so important day to Irish?

st Patrick is imortant to the Irish culture because st Patrick was an Irish man who was a saint and helped out every one so yeh by zahra sajadi

Was Saint Patrick a Catholic?

Yes, Patrick was a Catholic.Yes, St. Patrick, patron Saint of Ireland, was catholic. He lived during the early 5th century. by some other guySt. Patrick was catholic. as you know or may not know he was sold as a slave he managed to escape. he also proved himself to being a saint by doing several miracle that inspired man of the Irish to become catholic. he took all the snake out of Ireland there are several churches name st. Patrick in the USA by brr99 :)

Why do the Irish celebrate saint Patrick's day?

the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's day to celebrate the life of a man named Patrick cause he is the one who brang Christianity to Ireland

What does St in St. Patrick's day mean?

It stands for "saint."It stands for "saint."It stands for "saint."It stands for "saint."It stands for "saint."It stands for "saint."

How did Saint Patrick follow Jesus?

Saint Patrick followed Jesus by spreading Christianity throughout Ireland, converting many people to the faith through his preaching and teaching. He is known for using the three-leaf clover, the shamrock, to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity to the Irish people. Patrick also founded churches, monasteries, and schools, leaving a lasting impact on the religious landscape of Ireland.