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Answer The first bombing mission over Japan was lead by Col. Jimmy Doolittle. There were several bombers involved in this mission and many pilots and crewmembers.

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United States in retaliation for Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

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Q: What was the name of the man who dropped the bombs on japan in world war 2?
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What were the name of the one atomic bombs the u.s. dropped on Japan?

There were 2 atomic bombs, which were dropped onto Japan in 1945. They were called 'Fat Man' and 'little boy'.

Nuclear bombs in World War II?

Nick name "Fat Man" and "Little boy." were dropped on Japan to end the war.

What is the name of the bombs dropped on Japan to end the war?

little boy and fat man

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Tinian was the Island where the atomic bombs were moved to be dropped over Japan

What is the name of the big bomb that landed in Japan in World War 2?

There were two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in August 1945: Little Boy (on Hiroshima) and Fat Man (on Nagasaki).

What is the name of the nuclear bombs that were used on Japan during World War 2?

The first bomb, which was dropped on Hiroshima was named "Little Boy." The second bomb, which was dropped on Nagasaki was named "Fat Man."

What is a name of the bomb dropped by America on hiroshima and nagasaki?

Nuclear bombs made from Plutonium and Uranium.

Who used atomic bombs?

the US used the atomic bomb on the Japanese to end the world war 2.. US dropped 2 bombs on Japan one on Hiroshima and one on nagasaaki,,then japan surrendered..the name of the project was the Manhattan project and the name of the plane that dropped the bomb is Enola gay.... the president of the US (Henry Truman) was the one who acepted to drop the atomic bomb!!!

Of the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War 2 1 was named Fat Man What was the other's name?


Which two Japanese-cities did the Allies drop the atomic-bomb on?

The name of the two cities the atom bombs were dropped on in World War 2 were called Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

What is the first name in B-29 history?

Enola Gay and Bockscar were the B-29's that dropped the nuclear bombs on japan.

What was the name of the plane that dropped the first a bomb?

We are talking about the nuclear bombs dropped over Japan. The first one was carried in a B-29 bomber named Enola gay.