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Hitler Youth was an organization similar to the Boy Scouts. However, when manpower shortage became an issue during the war, the Hitler Youth were formed into fighting units.

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Q: What was the name of the military branch that consisted of children trained by Hitler?
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How old was Hitler when he went to military school?

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Did children live at Hitler youth?

Hitler Youth was the youth wing of Nazi Party that recruited German boys aged 14 to 18. These boys were trained to be future military officers and leaders. Hitler Youth ran many academies which worked on lines of preparatory schools and provided boarding a lodging to the members. At its peak, Hitler Youth had over 8 million members.

What did girls do in Hitler youth?

they were trained to have and take care of children and they had to learn to cook. for every child they would have they would receive a medal.

Did Hitler have children who are they?

Hitler had no children.

Did Hitler have a son or daughters?

No, Hitler never had any children.

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Hitler never had any children.

Which side was Hitler and Mussolini on?

The Triple Axis powers which consisted of Japan, The Nazi Germany (hitler) and Italy (mussilini).

Did Hitler have and unknown children?

No, Hitler did not have any children.

Did Hitler want to be a military leader?

No Hitler really wanted to be an artist but his father forced him into the military.

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Hitler didn't have any children.

How big was Hitler's train?

It consisted out of 17 components (included locomotives and cars).

Adolf Hitler's children?

Hitler never had any children.