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It is known as Islam.

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Q: What was the name of the religion introduced by the Prophet Muhammad?
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What was the name of the religion Muhammad began?

Islam is the religion preached by Prophet Mohammad

What is the full name of the prophet of Islam religion?

Prophet name is Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim

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Muhammad, although it can be spelled differently. Muhammad is the name of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was sent to mankind from God with the religion of Islam.

Why did the Prophet Muhammad change his name?

The prophet Muhammad didn't change his name

What religion recognizes Muhammed as the prophet of Allah?

Islam is the name of the religion and Prophet Mohammad is the last Prophet, and the people who follow this religion are called Muslims. The Baha'i Faith also recognizes Muhammad as a Prophet/Manifestation/Messenger of God and the "Seal of the Prophets," as one who verified the Prophets before Him. Baha'is believe that his mission was fulfilled in Baha'u'llah.

4 who is the name of their prophet?

Who's the name of the Islamic Prophet? Well that's Prophet Muhammad

What is the name of 'the prophet' and there god?

The name of Muslims Prophet is Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H their god is Allah

How did Prophet Muhammad get his name?

Prophet's grangfather Abd-ul-Mutalib gave Him the name Muhammad & His mother Aminah gave Him the name Ahmad.

The name of the famous prophet in Islam?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

What is the name of the holy prophet?


Who kept the prophet's name Muhammad?

It was the Grandfather, Hazrat Abdul Mutalib who named the the holy Prophet Muhammad. It was a strange name in Arab.