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Q: What was the name of the religious belief that made Mahatma Gandhi non-violent?
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Did Dr King go to India to talk to people about his belief that Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence was indeed powerful?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. greatly admired the peaceful and nonviolent activism used by Mahatma Gandhi. His trip to India deepened his understanding and solidified his commitment to this method. He talked to many people and address the nation by radio about his belief in the cause.

Who said The weak can never forgive Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong?

Mahatma Gandhi is credited with this quote: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." It reflects his belief in the power of forgiveness as a strength rather than a weakness.

What were Gandhi's belief's about love?

Gandhi believed in the power of love as a force for positive change in the world. He emphasized nonviolent resistance as a way to confront injustice and promote compassion and understanding. Gandhi's principle of "ahimsa," or nonviolence, reflected his deep belief in the transformative power of love over hate.

Who said that'India's soul lives in villages'?

Mahatma Gandhi is often credited with the statement, "The soul of India lives in its villages." This quote reflects Gandhi's belief in the importance of rural communities and their role in shaping the identity of the country.

Whose writings and practices inspired Martin Luther King Jr and other nonviolent civil rights protesters?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. certainly was an admirer of the late Mohandas Ghandi and met with Indian Prime Minister Nehru in 1959. Ghandi believed that non violence was the most efficient and holy way to protest British rule over India. However, Dr. King always believed in nonviolence. He was a man of deep religious convictions that was a huge part of his education and background. Part of the eloquence of Dr. King was his self taught and deep inner belief in nonviolence.

Which of these men was known for his belief in the power of peaceful demonstrations and led many matches and protests?

martin Luther king JR

When did gandhi say the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others?

Mahatma Gandhi is attributed with saying "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." This quote is often cited as a reflection of Gandhi's belief in the importance of selflessness and altruism in finding one's true purpose in life.

How long did Gandhi go on hunger strike for?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 - 30 January 1948), commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi, was an advocate and pioneer of nonviolent social protest. He led the struggle for India's independence from British colonial rule and in 1939 he went on a hunger strike for peace.

What is the origin of quote-The weak can never forgive Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong?

This quote is attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. It reflects his belief that forgiveness requires strength and courage to let go of resentment and seek reconciliation, which can be a challenging but empowering process. Gandhi promoted nonviolence and forgiveness as key principles in achieving social and political change.

Is Islam a race or religious belief?

It is religion or religious belief. It is not a race.

How is Hinduism different from christianity?

Christianity does not have belief In Religious tolerance. This is significantly different from the belief of Hinduism.

What is Mohandas Gandhi's belief?

Mohandas gandhi believef in good so he inspere people to do things with non_violence.