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Q: What was the name of the secret groups of patriots that fought the king during the revolutionary war?
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What was the conflict between the Tories and the Patriots?

The Patriots and the Tories were two groups of people during the American Revolution. The Patriots were a group of "rebels" against the King(George III) and wanted freedom and independence in America. The Tories were "loyalists", that is, loyal to the King. They were against independence in America and were proud of being British. They most likely just didn't want conflict with Britain during this time.

What side did the black groups choose during the revolutionary war?

Americans because the Americans said they'd free slaves who fought in the war after the war.

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How did the war affect minority groups during the American revolutionary war?

Well, there were three main groups in the revolutionary war. There were the loyalists which supported the king, the patriots wanted freedon from the king, the neautralists had not choosen a side. Other than those three groups I'm not 100% sure if any other groups even exist but that is definatly the three main groups and they were all effected because the loyalists lost, the patriots won, the neutralists were pushed to the patriot side because the patriots got there way

Who were the Loyalists and the Patriots?

During The Revolutionary War, people either sided with the king, loyalists, or people who wanted freedom, patriots. Neutralists were the group who sided with any, they simply did not really care!

How did different groups contribute to the Revolutionary war effort?

the women were nurses and Africans and young men fought in the war..

Who did the patriots fight with in war?

The Patriots fought with many ethnic groups that migrated from their native countries for reasons like religion persecution, bad government and economy, or many others. irish,scottish, german, native americans, african-americans, and the patriots fought against the loyalist.

What 3 groups were the American colonists divided into during the American revolution?

loyalists, patriots, and redcoats

What two grups fought during the holocaust?

Many groups fought, but if the Holocaust were to be split into two groups, they would be the victims and the perpetrators.

What two groups of people were fighting during the revolutionary war?

The American Colonists and the British fought each other over the right for America to be free from Great Britain's control.

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The muslims and crusaders fought against each other in the middle ages during the crusades.

What is the significance of the patriots?

The creation of the Patriots and Loyalists signified a deep distinction within the colonies. The two groups highlighted a clear separation of the people of America during the American Revolution.