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Q: What was the name of the ship or ships that Hernan Cortes traveled in?
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Hernando Cortes' father's name is Martín Cortés de Monroy

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His name was Quetzalcoatl.

What was the names of Hernan Cortes ships?

Ferdinand Magellan's ships were the Trinidad, the San Antonio, the Concepcion, the Victoria and the Santiago. Only the Victoria survived the voyage (1519-1522) that circumnavigated the world for the first time.

What was Hernan Cortes's crew's name?

Most of the crews in this time period were tough men. They had to be because to go on one the ships was hard. There were no sleeping quarters, bathrooms, kitchen, or privacy. Many times a captain would go to the jail the morning they were set to sail and have men sign up. Another place to get men was from the port pubs. Again these men were hard and rough because they had to be to survive.

What is the name of Hernan Cortes father?

Martín Cortés de Monroy

How did Hernando Cortes travel?

by ship i think 8) Frist of all his name was Hernan Cortes, the only option to cross the Atlanic Ocean in that point in time was through ship. The trip took a few months since the ships did not have engines.

Whats the name of Hernando Cortes ships name?

the etraos and the gatre are two of his ships