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It's called Panzerlied

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Q: What was the name of the song which Colonel Hessler and the Tiger Tank Commanders sang in the film Battle of the Bulge?
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Where to find good Jonas Brother bulge pics?

search on photobucket or something .. flickr... google... gosh..

What is wrong if my tattoo work seems to bulge after it has set giving it a bad look?

If a tattoo is bulging it is very likely that the tattoo artist went too deep when he did the work. That could have resulted in scar tissue which will give the appearance of the tattoo bulging out.

What war did Hemingway fight in?

Hemingway was in five wars, one of which he was an ambulance driver, three of which he was a war correspondent, and one of which he was uninvolved with, only present for. World War One: He volunteered for the Red Cross and served in Italy as an ambulance driver and was wounded in the knee dragging wounded soldiers to safety. He was decorated for bravery. Spanish Civil War: He went to Spain to report for the NANA (North American Newspaper Alliance). He was a front-line reporter and was present at the Battle of the Ebro. Chinese Civil War: In the 1941, he went to China with his wife Martha Gellhorn, also a journalist. He later claimed that he disliked China. World War Two: At first, he simply armed his fishing boat Pilar in Cuba and tried to find and destroy German U-Boats. From June to December of 1944, he was in Europe. He was serving as a journalist and a non-combatant, but frequently got into trouble for fighting in combat alongside US troops and the French Resistance. Once, he found a cellar full of SS troops and threw in a grenade, yelling "Share this among your friends!". He was present at the liberation of Paris, at the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest, and near the end of the Battle of the Bulge, although he was in the hospital with a fever for most of the battle. Cuban Revolution: He was present in Cuba in 1959 but left after hearing that his property would be nationalized by Castro. He had no role in the Cuban Revolution.

Has Glenn Miller's plane ever been found?

There was no real search immediately afterwards. The Battle of the Bulge began the next day* and no one was even aware that the plane was missing for several days. There were simply no available resources to search for it given the magnitude of the conflict. In the 1980s a wealthy young British businessman financed a search for the plane and claimed to have found some artifacts but nothing was ever proven. A BBC investigation in 2004 determined that all that would probably remain of the small C-64 plane would be the engine block, and that a search would be near-futile because the block would be buried with thousands of years worth of other debris on the bottom of the English Channel. (*) In fact, the run-up to the Battle of the Bulge may have contributed to the crash. All non-essential air traffic had been halted for that reason as well as bad weather, and bombing sorties were very heavy. The fact that Miller's plane was making an unauthorized flight AND hundreds of returning bombers were dropping unused shells into the Channel before landing was a prescription for tragedy.

How do you use the word augment in a sentence?

His income is augmented by a small inheritance. In the fugue's development, the subject is augmented. The hydraulic system on a passenger aircraft is augmented by small generators near the tail. "The Iron Man armor gives billionaire Tony Stark augmented strength and agility."