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The Boer Wars .

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Q: What was the name of the war between the English and the Afrikaners?
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What was the name of the war between the English and french?

The war was world war 2

What was the name of the war between English and dutch settlers?

The Boer War .

What was the name of the war between the french and the English in early Canada?

They had many, the last was the Seven Years War.

What was the name of the conflict between English and dutch settlers for Africa's land and resources?

boer war

Is it true that the Civil War was a war between the Americans and the English?

No - the English had nothing to do with the American Civil War.

Who was the English Civil War against?

A civil war is a war between factions in the samecountry.The English Civil war was a war between the royalists(supporters of the king) and parliamentarians(supporters of the parliament).

Who was the English war between?

It was between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians.

What was the name of the war between English and Dutch settlers for control of South Africa's land and resources?

The Boer Wars .

What is the history of early South Africa?

To find out about early south Africa you will want to "Google" "Afrikaners". Afrikaners is the name that some early European settlers that were born in South Africa called themselves. Early South Africa were populated by the Koisan, and Bushmen that inhabited mostly the coastal areas of Southern Africa. The early black tribes migrated from West East and Northern Africa towards the south of Africa in search of better grazing for their cattle . It is a fact that the white "afrikaners" preserved many ancient artifacts in museums dating back thousands of year Afrikaners is not the name of the European settlers, but the offspring of these German Settlers, French Hugenots,and British settlers,- and from them stemmed the name Afrikaners. Voortrekkers were Afrikaner white people born in South Africa, who trekked inland to escape the conditions of oppresion by the British Colonial forces at the Cape of Good Hope and her Colonies, which eventually resulted in war between the Afrikaans speaking Voortrekkers, "Boers" (which means "Farmer" in the Afrikaans language) - Afrikaans is in actual fact the Name of the language the Koisan tribes and Boers started speaking to communicate, which originated from the Dutch language, this name of the language only came for recognition in the late fifties and sixties, when Afrikaners fought for its recognition, Afrikaners being some of the white minority in South Africa. Since early years we were all called South Africans - it is only the conservative Afrikaans speaking South Africans that call themselves Afrikaners.

What war between the English nobility began in the 1400s?

war of the roses

What war between the English nobility began in the 1400?

war of the roses

Does the Civil War have another name?

The War Between the States. The War Between Brothers.