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Americans usually call the war for its independence, "The American Revolution". British usually call it "The War of American Independence". Both names are useful in finding sources for research.

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Q: What was the name of the war where the US gained its independence?
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What war was fought to give the US independence?

The US gained their independence in the American Revolutionary War of 1775-1783.

From who did the US gain independence as a result of the revolutionary war?

They gained Freedom from Great Britain

What happened during the Spanish-America War?

It was a US victory and Cuba gained its Independence.

Did the US meet its objectives for the Spanish American War?

Yes, Cuba gained its independence.

How did Cuba effect the spanish American war?

It gained Independence, but with certain US mandated restrictions.

What were 3 results of the Spanish American War?

Cuba gained Independence. Guam and Puerto Rico became US Territories. The Philippines and the US got locked into the Philippine American War.

Second war for independence?

The Second War of Independence is the name often given to the 1812 war between the US and England. Strictly speaking the name is incorrect, as the independence of the US was no longer at stake.

Who did the US gain independence from?

The United States of America gained independence from England after fighting the revolutionary war.

Was the US a confederacy during the American revolutionary war?

Yes, they didn't become a republic until after they gained their independence.

US gained independence on which date?

The USA gained its Independence on July 4th 1776.

How did the US gain independence?

in 1776, the united states gained its independence from England specifically France by fighting a war lead by our first president, George Washington.

Spain relinquished what to the US at the end of the war?

Cuba, which was quickly granted independence with US mandated provisos, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines which after the Philippine American War and a period of occupation by Japan in WW2 finally gained independence.