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The Northwest Passage .

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Q: What was the name of the water route to Asia that early explorers of Canada were searching for?
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Why did the early explorers go to Canada?

to find a short route to china and India but by accident they landed in Canada no doi

What were the most explorers searching for when they come to the new world?

They were looking for a water route to Asia.

Which country was the first to send explorers searching for a water trade route to Asia?

Portugal was the first country to send explorers searching for a water trade route to Asia. In the late 15th century, Portuguese explorers such as Vasco da Gama successfully sailed around Africa to reach India, opening up a direct sea route for trade with Asia.

Did many of the new world early explorers search for a shorter and safer route to the orient?

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What were the goals of the early English explorers?

All of them were looking for a water route to Asia.

What was the sea route called that explorers in the early 1500s looked for?

The NorthWest Passage

What Continent the explorers were looking for?

Explorers were primarily searching for a faster trade route to Asia, mainly for spices, during the Age of Discovery. This led them to discover the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, rather than the direct routes to Asia they initially sought.

What were English french and Dutch explorers searching for while charting the coast of North America?

a more direct route to India and Idonesia

What were explorers hoping to find by searching for the Northwest Passage?

a sea route to Asia across North America

What valuable resources did European explorers find when first came to Canada?

they first came to Canada looking for a route to Asia but they stumbled on Canada

What best describes the Europeans who came to north America in the late 1400 and 1500?

explorers who were searching for a water route to Asia

What body of water was used for a highway for early explorers settlers and immigrants?

The Mississippi River served as a crucial transportation route for early explorers, settlers, and immigrants in North America. Its extensive network of tributaries and its central location allowed for easier travel and trade throughout the continent.