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seven year war

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Q: What was the name where England and France fought over land you America?
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What was the name of the war where England and France fought over land of America?

french and indian war

Which 2 important countries fought over land in the french and Indian war?

France and England!

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What 3 nations laid claim to land in north America?

Spain Netherlands France

Countries that claimed land in north America in 1753?

Spain England France and russia

What did England and France for in North America in the late 17th century?

land and fur trade

Which six countries claimed land in America at one point?

By the early 1600s, six nations-Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, England, and Sweden-had raised flags and claimed land in America.

What three countries claimed land in North America at the end of the seventeenth century?

9 European nations claimed land: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Great Britain, and Russia all claimed land in North America.

What was a result of the Treaty of Paris 1763?

England gained massive amounts of land France lost almost all of its land in North America.

What was a the result of the 1763 Treaty of Paris?

England gained massive amounts of land France lost almost all of its land in North America.

What three European countries competed for land in north America during the time Jamestown was found?

England, France, and Spain. During the revalutionary war, France sided with the colonists in exchange they got some of the land.

Why did the British give America land all the way to the Mississippi?

to ensure that future trade went to England and not France