

What was the namer of niel arm strongs space shuttle?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was the namer of niel arm strongs space shuttle?
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What did neil Armstrong sleep in on the space shuttle?

they did sleep on it with a sleeping bag. the space shuttle landed on the moon that was fasimnating u know. any who a man called robby ray sang a song called still lovin ya. niel armstraong was the first man on the moon.

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Niel Armstrong

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Niel Armstrong was the 1st man on the moon.

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niel Armstrong was in the first nasa space mission shuddle to the moon. ONE SMALL STEP FOR NIEL ARMSTRONG!

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it was launched at NASA space center

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March 16, 1966

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no Yuri gagarin from russia was

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When Niel Armstrong landed on the moon.