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Q: What was the naval blockade designed to prevent?
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What was the naval blockade designed to prevent in the south?

What was the naval blockade of the south designed to prevent?

To prevent the South exporting its cotton in exchange for war supplies. It was the North's effort to stop any foreign aid to the South.

What is a naval action designed to isolate an area from outside contact?

It is called a blockade

What did the union use to prevent the confederacy from importing supplys and exporting cotton?

naval blockades from southern ports

Why did Great Britain create a naval blockade?

Naval blockades are used to prevent supplies an manpower getting to the city or country being blockaded.

How did the south challenge the blockade that Abraham Lincoln made?

Abraham Lincoln created a naval blockade to prevent the south from being able to take part in trading activities. This was an attempt by the president to bring about a peaceful end to the Civil War. The south challenged the blockade by building torpedo boats to attack the naval ships involved in the blockade.

What event led to naval blockade around the Southern States?

The Confederacy's capture of Fort Sumter led to the Naval blockade.

What was a naval quarantine?

I believe it was a blockade that the U.S. put up in front of Cuba to prevent the soviet union from going into there. ......I think.

What was the purpose of a naval blockade?

To prevent the South from importing the war supplies it badly needed, having no manufacturing industry of its own.

What event led to the naval blockade around the Southern?

The Confederacy's capture of Fort Sumter led to the Naval blockade.

What does mean blockade?

A NAVAL Blockade is to take ships and move them to a harbor, and they let nothing get in or out. Blockade is basically to trap, or close in.

What happened as a result of British naval blockade?

As a result of the British naval blockade, U.S. Trade with the central powers mostly ended.