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Q: What was the network of escape routes out of the south for enslaved people called?
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The network of escape routes out of south for enslaved people was the?

The Underground Railroad

The network of escape routes out of the south for enslaved people' was the what?

Dude. FREAKING TAKE THE TEST ON YOUR OWN. You seriously dont know the answer? Thats pathetic.

In Sparta enslaved people were called what?

Slaves or enslaved people in Sparta were called helots.

How did abolitionists and free black help enslaved people escape?

They used wagons and riverboats

Did the abolitionist in the north help enslaved people escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad?


What conclusion can you draw about the people who participated in the Trade Network?

they were enslaved by the trade networks

What happened on 1739?

1739,in this rebellion, about 100 enslaved people tried to escape but later were captured.

Part of a trade network that sent enslaved people from Africa to the Americas?

middle passage?

The network of safe houses that assisted runaway enslaved people was known as what?

Underground Railroad

What were farmers with no enslaved people called?

Farmers without enslaved people were typically called free farmers or tenant farmers. These individuals would either own their land or rent it from a landlord in order to cultivate crops or raise livestock.

Why do you think more enslaved people escape from the border states than from the deep south?

Enslaved people in border states were more likely to have access to nearby free states, where they could more easily blend in and escape capture. Additionally, border states had more social and economic connections to the free states, providing more opportunities for assistance. The deep South had stricter surveillance and control measures in place, making escape more difficult.

When the US enslaved Japanese people what is that called?

Why, "democracy" to be sure.