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Q: What was the next step after all the moisture was removed from the body?
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there are 4. The first is to be shrunk to about an inch. The next is to be dipped in Saline Solution (salt water) so the Proteus can be removed from the body easier. The next is to be miniaturized again but to microscopc size while in the saline solution. The last step is the be injected into Benes body. Hope this helps.

What tools to wrap mumies?

In the first step, embalmers cut open the body and removed all the organs except for the heart. The removed organs were stored in special jars. Next, embalmers used a special substance to dry out the body and later applied some special oils. The embalmers then wrapped the dried-out body with linen cloths and bandages, often placing special charms inside the cloth wrappings. Wrapping the body was the last step in the mummy-making process. Once it was completely wrapped, a mummy was placed in a coffin

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When oxygen is insufficient the body cannot depend on the next step which is acetyl CoA, this enhances metabolism and it goes to the next step which is TCA cycle, here the body's metabolism is working to make more ATP. This is fuel for the body.

After you get hair on your penis in puberty what happens next?

there is no step by step process for puberty a series of things could happen next or you could be donebut usually after the hair grows so does the body,penis, and voice deepens

What was the first step in order to mummify a body?

· Step 1: The body is washed with palm wine.Step 2: The body is rinsed with water from the Nile River.Step 3: A small cut is made in the left side of the body.Step 4: The internal organs which are the liver, lungs, small intestines, and large intestines, were removed.Step 5: The brains were removed, with a long hook inserted through the nose and they would pull the brains out. (The Egyptians did not know what the brain was for, so they removed it.)Step 6: The body is covered and stuffed with natron. This is known as the drying stage.Step 7: Wait forty days for the body to dry.Step 8: The body will be washed with water from the Nile River.Step 9: The body is covered with sweet smelling oils.Step 10: The body is stuffed with dry things, such as sawdust, leaves, and linen.Step 11: The body is covered with more oils.Step 12: The internal organs are put into the canopic jars.Now the body is ready for the next stage, wrapping.HEY PEOPLE I DID THIS JUST FOR YOU !

Where can I got o become a mechanic?

If you want to learn this skill, Lincoln's auto body school can give you the auto ... Take the next step and request more information about our auto body repair ... If you want to learn this skill, Lincoln's auto body school can give you the auto ... Take the next step and request more information about our auto body repair ...

When was The Miners' Next Step created?

The Miners' Next Step was created in 1912.

After a bill is introduced and numbered What is the next step?

After a bill is introduced and given a number, it's given a title and is read twice. After this, the next step is to send the bill to the appropriate committee.

When did The Next Step - TV series - end?

The Next Step - TV series - ended in 1996.

List the steps of the embalming?

Step one: Remove some of the pharaoh's internal organs and fill the body with sweet smelling spices.Step two: Cover the body with a white powder called "natron," bags of which were also wrapped around the head. (Natron was a drying agent, rather like salt, and the body was left in it for several days, until all the moisture had been removed.)Step three: Wash the embalmed and dried body -- now called a "mummy", treat it with perfumed oils, and wrap it in linen bandages. Place a mask over the face of the mummy and wrap it once more.Step four: Burial