After a bill is introduced and given a number, it's given a title and is read twice. After this, the next step is to send the bill to the appropriate committee.
give the bill its second reading
1. A bill is introduced 2. The bill is sent to committee 3. The bill reaches the floor 4. The bill is sent to the second house 5. The bill is sent to a conference committee 6. The bill is sent to the governor
means that the vote on it is simply adjourned until a later time. It comes from the concept that the bill is put back on the table to await future action instead of being voted on and moved to the next appropriate step in the legislative process
It is very important to know the steps for a bill to become a law. These are as follows; the bill is drafted, the bill is presented to the house, sent to committee, committee action, rules committee, Floor action, introduced to the Senate, Committee action, Bill called up, Floor action, conference committee, vote on compromise, presidential action, and the vote to override.
Floor Action
It goes to Committee.
It goes to Committee.
It goes to Committee.
It goes to Committee.
Now, here comes the answer of the question, after the bill is presented and sponsored, it is referred to the appropriate committee action in order for them to debate on it and marks up the proposed bill.
a congressional debate takes place and members vote on the measure
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
Both houses vote on the bill again.