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Before the civil war the north economy was based on agriculture. It was later based on the industrial revolution after the war.

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King Boyer

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Q: What was the norths economy based on before the civil war?
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How were the economies of he north and south different before the civil war?

In the period lading up to the US Cvil War, the North had an emerging industrial economy. The South remained a plantation based agricultural economy with much less industrial capability than the North.

What did the north have an economy based on before the civil war?

The north had an economy based on Manufacturing this made northerners oppose slavery because slaves could have taken their jobs

What did the south of the US have an economy based on before the civil war?

Agriculture, especially cotton for sale the the British textile industry.

What was the norths capital during the civil war?

Washington d.c.

What was the norths color during the civil war?

navy blue

What was the South's economy based on prior to the US Civil War?

Prior to the US Civil War, the Southern economy was primarily based on its cotton crop. This was a major plus for the entire US economy in 1860 for example. Cotton was shipped to Europe and also to Northern textile mills.

What was the Southern economy based on as the US Civil War began?

As the US Civil War unfolded, the economy of the Confederate states was based on agriculture. The main crops they farmed were cotton, tobacco and rice.

What was the Norths Ironclad during the civil war?

The first ironclad of the North was the USS Monitor. Afterwards it built many ironclad ships, many based on the design of the Monitor.

What kind of economy did the southern states have leading to the civil war?

The economy was based on the practice of slave-labour.

How did the first major battle of the civil war change the norths ezpectations about the war?

Before Bull Run, most assumed that the war would be short and easy.

How did the civil war affect the Norths economy?

Gave it a major boost, since Northern factories were able to manufacture all kinds of war supplies, and the farms could sell all the food they grew.

Who was norths general during civil war?

Mary-Joe-anna or Jo-mama