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Q: What was the nullification crisis and how did Andrew Jackson was it handled setting a precedent for future similar events?
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When president Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill renewing bank charters did he set a precedent?

Yes, President Andrew Jackson's veto of the bill renewing bank charters is considered a significant precedent. It established the use of presidential veto power to challenge and reject legislation, setting a precedent for future presidents. It also showcased Jackson's determination to dismantle the Second Bank of the United States and his belief in limited government involvement in financial matters.

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Work can be heavy at times meaning the amount to get done is more than usual. Describe how you handled it by setting priorities and working over time as needed.

How do courts affect other courts?

'Setting a precedent' is similar to saying 'setting the standard'. When a court (with a large jurisdiction) rules a certain away, they set a standard that forces the lower courts to make similar rulings for similar circumstances.

Why was the precedent of two presidential terms set by Washington so important?

I am not sure how important it was since there were not really very many presidents who would have served a third term even without Washington's precedent. Maybe Jefferson, Madison, Monroe or Theodore Roosevelt would have considered a third term had the precedent not been set against it. Jackson and Wilson might have if they were healthier when their second terms ended.