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Approximately: 6 Fleet Carriers, 2 Battleships, 3 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 23 Fleet Submarines, 5 Mini-Subs (Midget Submarines), and over 400 airplanes.

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Q: What was the number of ships of the Japanese fleet that attacked pearl harbor?
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What were the number and names of the fleets attacked at Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese Imperial Fleet attacked the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

Who attacked the US fleet in Pearl Harbor Hawaii?


Who attacked the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor?


What was the name of the empire who attacked pearl harbor?

The Japanese Empire attacked the US fleet at Pearl Harbour.

What are the reasons that Japanese attacked pearl harbor?

To eliminate the US Battle Fleet stationed there.

What are the main reason that Japanese attacked pearl harbor?

To eliminate the US Battle Fleet stationed there.

How did Pearl Harbor start World War 2?

The Japanese attacked the US Fleet and airfields at Pearl Harbor. This was the start of war.

Battleships that attacked Pearl Harbor?

There were none: There were Japanese Batleships in the fleet, but the attack was made by carrier-borne aircraft. There was also submarine attack. An attack by Japanese midget submarines as attacked & destroyed. The Japanese fleet included 2 battleships but they did not participate in the attack.

How did the Japanese fleet disappear before pearl harbor?

They did not they just temporarily dissapeared of off radar and we dont know why - the ? answerer

Why and when did US enter World War 2?

The U.S entered WWII on December 7th, 1941 after Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese imperial fleet.

Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor and not some other place?

Pearl Harbor was the base of the U.S pacific fleet it thus was attacked because it was the most lucrative target.

What state was the Japanese bombing of pearl harbor in 1941?

Japan did not bomb any US state when they attacked Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, they attacked the US Pacific fleet which was there.