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China or India or Egypt.

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Q: What was the original site of alchemy?
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How do you make cells on the game alchemy?

in alchemy classic its 2 bacteria but it might be different in the original (assuming your playing alchemy classic)

The original greek town of constantinople's site?

The original Greek site of Constantinople was Byzantium.

Where can one learn about acoustic alchemy?

The best sources to use to learn about acoustic alchemy is at amazon and easy music download site. Amazon offers reviews on this group that may be helpful and easy music download site is great for album information and group background.

How do you do alchemy with metal?

Capitalist posterity has popularized the notion of alchemy as having been the attempt by medieval dopes to transmute base metals such as lead and copper into silver and gold. But the original esoteric study of alchemy involved the idea of spiritual transformation and examined the interrelationships between the natural and supernatural worlds.

Are there any books on alchemy?

Alchemy of Illness The Alchemy of Happiness Alchemy Unlimited

What is bad about alchemy?

there is nothing reely bad about alchemy but some people say its messing with nature but that's not true as long as you don't go to far.this is alchemy--- Alchemy is the belief that everything in this world is made up of the for emenents-fire,water,earth,and air.So based on that someone can brake down something and change it to something els.That is the basic idea for alchemy.I am a alchemist my self and if you want to get more info on alchemy go to this site- -it has a lot of good info. Hoped i helped from RINNIN

Is alchemy still in use?

Yes and no. No in that the original alchemy, with its chemically impossible goal of turning lead into gold and such, is no longer in use; if it is then it's very underground. Yes in that the methods of alchemists eventually evolved into modern chemistry. In fact, alchemy is sometimes used as a tongue-in-cheek nickname for chemistry, but this is usually purely literary. So, technically, you could say that "alchemy" is still in use, in its modern form as chemistry.

How long did Isaac Newton study alchemy?

His whole life. You can read a lot of Newton's original books at Google books. They are scanning every old book and uploading them for anyone to read for free. Also, recently there were many of newton's papers discovered that revealed a heavy undertaking of alchemy -- he did hundreds of alchemy experiments by following the older books.

What is an alchemy lab?

a lab where you do alchemy.

What was the Google site's original name?

How do you make glasshouse in alchemy?

There is no such thing as alchemy.

What was the site of the original tea party?

a harbor in Boston