

What was the paleo Indians lifestyle like?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What was the paleo Indians lifestyle like?
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What is the sentence of paleo Indians?

The Paleo-Indians are the earliest known humans of the Americas.

How do you use the word paleo-Indians in a sentence?

This area was populated by Paleo-Indians.

What did Paleo Indians hunt for?

The paleo Indians ate bison,mammoth,and large ground sloths.

What is the difference between the archaic Indians and the paleo Indians?

Archaic Indians refer to the Native American cultures that lived in North America from around 8000 to 1000 BC, known for developing agriculture and pottery. Paleo Indians were the first inhabitants of the Americas, arriving around 15,000 years ago, known for their nomadic lifestyle and hunting large game. The main difference is their time periods and lifestyles, with paleo Indians being the earlier group.

What did the Paleo-Indians do?

The Paleo-Indians gathered wild plants and berries and they hunted for holy mammoths and mastodons.

The paleo Indians spread throughout America by what year?

in what year did the paleo Indians spread throughout America

Who were paleo Indians?

The Paleo-Indians were the first known people to like in America. Some archaeologists say that they migrated from Europe Central Asia, and western Alaska. I hope I answered your question.

What is the definition of Paleo?

It is the name of a lifestyle diet.

What of the paleo Indians from south to north took thousand of years?
