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Q: What was the patriots point of view on the Boston tea party?
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What was the patriots view on the Boston massacre?

Use Hurley's numbers.

What was the patriots point of view in the declaration of independence?

They agreed on it while the loyalist didnt

How did patriots view loyalists?

Their enemies were the Patriots, the Patriots were the colonists. A group of people who fought for the thirteen colonies. The Loyalists thought of them as untrained soldiers, and they were correct. From an Americans point of view a Loyalist was a traitor who turned against the colonists to go with the British government.

What was the patriot's view of the Boston Tea Party?

They were protesting because parliament wasnt listening to them.

How did loyalists view the patriots?

Their enemies were the Patriots, the Patriots were the colonists. A group of people who fought for the thirteen colonies. The Loyalists thought of them as untrained soldiers, and they were correct. From an Americans point of view a Loyalist was a traitor who turned against the colonists to go with the British government.

Who did the colonists view who ruled them after the Boston tea party?

I don't know and I am trying to find out. Anyone know?

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way of getting the point of view across to be understood by the other party

What was the patriots view point about the stamp act?

They though it was unfair. Mostly it only affected the rich patriots because they were the only ones who could read. Since the Stamp Act taxed all reading material, and rich patriots were the only ones who could read, then it only affected the rich.

What view of colonists' was expressed through the Boston tea party?

The colonist's view of maverick-like freedom was put to full capacity, as they protested the Tea act of 1776, and told Britain to BTFU.

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