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The people in Ancient Greece were polytheistic, meaning the Greeks believed in more than one god.

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Q: What was the people form of worship ancient rome?
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Why did rome have many different forms of worship?

Ancient Rome attracted people form all over the Mediterranean world. They brought with them belief in and worship of their own gods and these became integrated into Roman life.

What countries worship the goddess Juno?

Now? None. In ancient Rome, her worship - or worship of her likeness found in other communicates of people - was widespread.

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What gods did Constantine worship?

He was the first Christian ruler in ancient Rome/Greece.

How did people discover Ancient Rome?

People did not discover Ancient Rome, people BUILT Ancient Rome and it has been in continuous occupation since then 2,800years ago.

How many people spoke Latin in ancient Rome?

Most people in ancient Rome spoke Latin, but some cities that ancient Rome took over spoke their native language. A lot of people in ancient Rome spoke Greece.

Who studies ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome is studied by historians and archaeologists who specialise in ancient Rome and people who study the classics.

What was the Jewish place to worship in ancient Rome?

Prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70, worship the Temple was the place of worship. The synagogue, which already existed before this, became the centres of worship.

Who punishes people in ancient Rome?

In ancient Rome people were punished by judges who presided over trials.

Why do people snap their fingers after a poem is read?

snapping became a form of applauase back in ancient Rome..

What was Rome form of worship?

Rome and all Europe were Catholic for hundreds of years.

What was used to buy things in ancient rome?

People in ancient rome used tokens.