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When God created Adam and Eve, he had clearly told them not to eat the forbidden fruit, however, they managed to eat it, claiming themselves as sinners.

However, God is too Holy to be with sinners, so he had to send them outside the garden of Eden. And one important thing about sin, is the result of sin means death.

But God couldn't let his children die and go to hell, he loved them too much. So in order to save them from going to hell, he found another way of allowing them to come back to him; by sending a Holy person with no sin to save them from their sins.

Why a Holy person?

Think about it, if there are two people in prison, and one person says to the other "Hey, I'll get you out of here so just wait." It may be possible by escaping, but that is no official release and the two men know that it is not quite possible for that person to get them out BECAUSE they both are prisoners.

However, if someone they knew decided to get them out of there by paying the police, it makes perfect sense as he is not a prisoner and has the right to do it.

It is exactly the same. The price of wrongdoing on Earth = prison,

the price of sin=death. But God sent his only Son Jesus to die and bring victory over death by resurrection, like the person who paid fine to get the men out of prison.

The purpose of Jesus's death was to save us from going to hell, and come back to God.

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The main purpose of Jesus dying on the cross , was so that man would be saved from their sins.

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