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Q: What was the policy that Japan Italy and Germany were implementing when they invaded other countries?
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Why did Germany reoccupy the Rhineland in 1936?

in 1936 Germany re-militarised the Rhineland because it was just another way of implementing the force of redaction onto other countries so that chamberlain followed the policy of appeasement :) for more info, try google :p

Why did countries follow a policy of appeasement with Italy Germany and France?

because they did not have a chose

Why did European countries and leaders adopt the policy of appeasement?

did not have the power to fight Germany

Why appeasment didn't prevent World War 2?

Because Hitler thought the appeasment policy as the weakness of British and French and he thought whatever he´ll do no one is going to intervene and started invading more and more countries the Britain gave Germany an ultimatum but Hitler not taking any notice of it invaded more and more countries like Chezchoslovakia or Poland and finally Britain and France attacked Germany

What were the effects of the appeasement policy towards Germany?

a. Germany was able to invade the Soviet Union. b. Germany stopped its expansion into other countries. c. France and England went to war with one another. d. Germany continued to take other countries

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Generally whowhat is responsible for carrying or implementing policy?

The Secretary of Defense

Which 3 countries followed policies of aggressive nationalism in the 1930?

Policy of Aggression basically means the Treaty of Versailles. The countries who followed it Britain ,France and Germany.

What was Britain and Frances initial response to Hitler's goals?

They originally practiced the policy of appeasement. This means they gave in to his demands (as in Africa and in the annexation of Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia) to avoid another devastating world war. But they abandoned this policy when Germany invaded Poland.

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What happened after the appeasement of Germany?

By March 1939 it was obvious that the policy of appeasement had failed. Britain introduced compulsory military service (for the first time ever in peace time) and gave a guarantee to Poland. When Germany invaded Poland in September 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany ...

What countries of the world did the US become involved in due to this policy?

Germany, Italy, France, hungary, Romania, Russia, Japan, and austrailia.