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Q: What was the political situation between world war 1 and world war 2?
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What best describes the political situation in China between World War 1 and World War 2?

a conflict between nationalist and communist movements

What was the political situation in Japan at the end of World War 1?

The military had stronger influence after WWI.

What did the political confusion and instability in Europe between World War 1 and World War 2 produce?

World war 2.

What resulted the political confusion and instability in Europe between World War 1 and World War II?

The Great depression

What best describes the international situation in the decades just prior to both world war 1 and world war 2?

The Us was reluctant to become actively involved in European political affairs

What political tension between the US and the soviet union that followed world war 2 resulted in?

It was called "The Cold War".

How did eastern Europe's political boundaries change from before World War I to after World War I?

Political changes in eurpe after world war 1

Why was there growing involvement of the US in Europe in the years 1945-8?

Because of all the things that needed to be done after World War II and because of the political situation in Europe after the war.

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When is the next world war III?

The name "World war" is used to describe the two wars which, although their effects extended around the world, focused primarily on a war in Europe, in particular the conflict between Germany and the surrounding nations. Therefore, given the stable and amicable political situation in Europe today, it is unlikely that another war will be given this name. There are some historians who controversially assert that World War III has already happened (i.e. the Cold War). However, they are in the minority.

What new political ideology did several European nations adopt in the years between world war1 and world war 2?


What are the political economic and social consequences after world war 2 in the US?

The Cold War; the rivalry between capitalist America and communist Russia.