

What was the population of Jamaica in year 2005?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was the population of Jamaica in year 2005?
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What is the population of Jamaica 2005?


When was the last census taken in Jamaica and what was the population?

they don't have a cencus in Jamaica, the last estimate in July 2005 was, 2,651,000

What is the population of Jamaica-2012?

The population of Jamaica is 2,702,300 people

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Jamaica Plain's population is 37,468.

What is the population of Jamaica 2012?

Population of Jamaica is 2.889 Million.

Is Jamaica's population big?

The population of Jamaica as of July 2012, was 2,889,187 people. The capital of Jamaica is Kingston, with a population of 937,700.

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Kingston, Jamaica has a population of 651,880.

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The population of the Philippines during the year 2005 was estimated to be 81,500,000 citizens.

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Population of the Philippines in the year 2005?

In 2005, the population of the Philippines was estimated to be 85.5 million inhabitants. By 2010, the population had increased to 93.3 million.

What are the populations of the three major cities of Jamaica?

1. Kingston, Jamaica: has a population of about 800,000 2.Portmore, Jamaica: has a population of about 350,000 3. St. Catherina: has a population of about 150,000

What is the population of Jamaika?

Jamaica has a population of 2,719,000