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Q: What was the population of the earth in the year One after the death of Christ?
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Is AD before Christ?

AD is a latin term which means "in the Year of our Lord". The actual date AD began was Year 1 which refers to the first year of Christ life on earth as a child. BC was the way time was recorded before Christ Birth.yes AD means after christ BC emans befor christ

How many people occupied the earth at thousand years after christ?

One thousand years after Christ, there were 310 million people occupying the Earth in the year 1000 AD. This estimate was calculated by the United Nations. Other groups estimate the population at that time to be 254 million to 345 million.

How do you calculate mid year population?

previous population+birth-death

What is meaning of AD1950?

it is the meaning of after death of jesus christ and in the year of 1950... bc was before christ was born into this world..x

What does year AD mean in the Bible?

AD after a date — as in 1066 AD — means Anno Domini (from Latin, meaning "The year of Our Lord) and counts the number of years from the birth of Christ, supposed to be in the year 0. AD. Prior to this Christians calculate years backwards from the year before Christ's birth (1 BC - I year before Christ) and rising as you get further back in time from this date.

What year did Christianity begging?

300-400 Years after Christ walked this earth.

What is StMatthew's death date?

I don't know his death date, but his birth date is January1st one year before Christ.

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Which best describes the number of people who die per one thousand individuals in a population per year?

The number of people who die per one thousand individuals in a population per year is referred to as the crude death rate. It is a measure of the mortality or death rate in a population and is calculated by dividing the number of deaths in a year by the population size and multiplying by 1000.

Does AD stand for after death or after Christ?

Neither. It stands for "anno Domini" meaning "in the year of (the) Lord."

What do AD and BC stand for?

BC stands for "Before Christ" and AD stands for "After Death." In Latin, AD stands for "anno domino." That means "in the year of our lord."BC stands for Before Christ, before Christ was killed. AD stands for After Death AFTER Christ was killed.Two outdated but still common terms. AD stands for After Death (the death of Christ), BC stands for Before Christ. The 'correct' terms are B.C.E (Before Common Era) and C.E (Common Era)AD - Stands For Ano Domini And Bc Stands For Before Christ!! Thats What I Know!AD=after deasth of christ. BC=before christ

What is the Approximate population on earth in the year 1 AD?
