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nero was a bad man. he killed his own mother and was said to have burned down everything so he could build his mansion.

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Q: What was the positive impact of Nero on the roman empire?
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What kind of government did Nero live in?

The Roman Empire.

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How did the Kush empire fall?

it just didnt have everything that it needed.

Which Roman Emperor was the worst?

Emperor Nero was the worst roman emperor ever known in the roman empire.

Who prosecuted the christians in the roman empire?

i don't know but i think it was empirer Nero or something

What king is said to be married to Egeria the forest spirit?

Nero the roman empire king

Did Nero once rule the roman empire?

No, Nero was not the first emperor of Rome, Augustus Caesar/ Octavian was the first emperor of Rome.

How did Nero end his empire?

Nero did not an empire of his own. He was the emperor of the Roman Empire. This empire continued for centuries after his death. Nero's reign ended with the rebellions by Vindex, the governor of one of the Roman provinces in Gaul and Galba, the governor of one of the provinces in Hispania. The Praetorian Guard (Imperial Guard) in Rome allied with Galba. There were false news that the senate had declared Nero an enemy of the state. The senate was actually thinking of trying to negotiate a compromise, but nero did not know this. When Nero heard some horsemen approaching his palace, he decided to commit suicide. However, he could not do it and forced his private secretary to kill him.

How did Neros actions contribute to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire?

Nero's actions had nothing at all to do with the collapse of the Roman empire. He ruled roughly 300 years before the collapse.

Who started the first persecution of the roman emipre?

There were not any prosecution of the Roman Empire. An empire would not persecute itself. There were persecutions of the Christians. The first such persecution occurred under the emperor Nero.

Who was a leading stoic philosopher of the Roman empire and also tutor to an emperor?

Seneca was a stoic philosopher and the tutor of Nero

Is Nero gay the Roman Emperor?

Well I actually know the answer to this question because I know two slaves that were around under his reign. Yes their dead now, kind of, but you just gotta trust me. He wasn't gay exactly. But he defiantly was bi-sexual. Also he was into bestiality, animals / animal skins. He was also into incest, doing many things to his mother.