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Protestant Christianity.

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Q: What was the predominant religion of Mississippi during the 19th century?
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What was the predominant religion of the renaissance?

Predominantly Catholic but there were Protestants and Jews in Western Europe during this period as well.

Which religion was not central to art during the 17th century?

Lutheranism .

What was the most prominent religion during the early twentieth century?

It was Hindu

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What was the predominant religion during Shakespeare's life?

It depended where you were. In China, it was Confucianism. In North Africa, it was Islam. In Italy, it was Catholicism. And in England, where Shakespeare was, the only legal religion was the Church of England, a form of Protestant Christianity.

What was the religion in Israel in medieval times?

During the middle ages, in terms of population, Islam was the predominant religion in the lands that are now called Israel. There were always also a few Christians, and a continuous Jewish presence.

What is the predominant religion of Hartford Connecticut during the beginning of the colony?

Puritains founded the colony on a very short reign. For about 30 years Hartford was a Purtain colony

What can't the Italians eat because of their religion?

There is no food forbidden to Italians because of the predominant religion, Roman Catholicism. Faithful Catholics abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent, and there are a few other scattered days of abstenance during the year. But no paricular foods are forbidden outside of that.

What kind of religion existed in Ireland in fifth century?

It was during the 5th century that Christianity came to Ireland. In the early part of the 5th century the Irish were pagans.

What was England's first religion?

roman catholicANSWER 2:Before Christianity came to the British Isles, Druids were predominant. They worshipped nature.ANSWER 3:During the Iron Age, the original religion of the land now known as England was Celtic polytheism. It was followed by Roman polytheism which outlawed the Druids. Christianity wasn't introduced into England until the Third Century.

How does religion in the 14th century compare to the religion in Romeo and Juliet?

In the 14th century, religion played a central role in people's lives, with Christianity dominating Western society. In contrast, Romeo and Juliet, set in the 16th century, portrays a society where religion is less predominant and individuals are guided more by personal desires and emotions rather than strict religious beliefs. The characters in the play challenge societal norms, including those imposed by religion, which reflects the shifting attitudes towards faith during the time.

Where did judaismc originate from?

Judiasm is the religion that is followed by the Jewish people. It is considered to be a monotheistic religion and originated in Israel sometimed during the 1st century.