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The Avg. Price of Fuel was hitting 3.10 ( It is Currently high because of Foriegn Affiars and Foriegn Issues)

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Q: What was the price of gas when Obama took office?
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What was the price for a gallon of gas when Obama took office?


What was the price of a gallon of gas when President George Bush took office?


What does Obama say about gas prices?

obama says that he will be decreasing the gas price and there will be no added tax to it especaily our taxi drivers will be getting gas at a lower income price

What was the gas price when Barack Obama took office?

It should be noted that the price of gas has been fluctuating for the past decade. While it is understandable to want to blame the president, it is not always his fault alone. For example, under President Bush, it was reported that "...the price of gasoline increased from $1.60 per gallon when he took office in January 2001 to $4.40 per gallon in July 2008, a jump of 275 percent." Throughout the summer of 2008, according to CBS News, the price of gasoline remained high, averaging over $4.00 a gallon; many people believed it was President Bush's fault. But then, in September, the price of gasoline began to drop, and by November 2008, when the election was held and President Obama was elected, a gallon of gas was at about $2.20. However, prices soon began to edge back up again.

What is the highest gas price during Obama presidency?


What was the average gas price before Obama became president?

$ 2.15

What was the highest gas price under President Barack Obama based on the U.S. National Average.?

citgo or mobile becuz the economy is bad in these day one gas station price in miami is 4.99 even 7.85

What is Barack Obama going to do about gas prices?

We don't know yet for sure but his energy advisor, Steven Chu, has said numerous times that gas prices should be increased to help "curb global warming". In the summer of 2008, Chu stated that we needed to raise the tax on gas to get it to be the price of gas in Europe to make people drive less. The price of gas was $8 a gallon in Europe at the time. Whether Obama would attempt such a strategy is unknown. Obama has never said he wanted gas prices to be lower, even dismissing eliminating the gas tax during times of high priced gas. Obama most likely will increase gas prices, but not to the extent Chu advises. be looking for the $5.00 gallon gas this summer, the change occurring in May.

How much was gas when Obama became president?

As when George W. Bush was president, the gas prices have also fluctuated under President Obama. Sometimes they are much higher than at other times. Both men experienced periods of time when gas prices rose dramatically, causing deep anger from the public. While it is easy to blame the president, and while sometimes, his policies can have an impact on the price of gasoline, the truth is that in our globalized world, gas prices do vary. Among the factors are supply and demand, pricing of oil in global markets, ability of refineries to provide enough product (hurricanes and other natural disasters can take refineries off-line), and speculation by unscrupulous traders trying to drive up the price and make more profit for themselves. If you are asking for specific gas prices, when President Obama took office in January 2009, the average price for gas was low by today's standards-- $1.83 a gallon (it was much higher in some parts of the country, but $1.83 was the average). Today, in mid-2013, prices tend to be around $3.50 to $3.80 a gallon.

What was the average price of a gallon of gas in the U S in 1932?

The averaage price of gas was about 0.2 cents until the mafia took a time machine and told the native Americans that the cow was sacred, not the buffolo, therefore cows were numerously slaughtered and that raised the gas prices to what they are today.

What was gas price in 1998?

Gas price was $6.28

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price of gas in 1929