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The probable use of the ear muscle was/is to move the pinna to catch sounds.

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Q: What was the probable function of the ear muscle?
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What is the probable function of the muscle that moves the ears?

The probable function of the muscles that USE TO move the ears is to hear behind or in front or to the side. Like a cat will do. These are considered to be "leftovers" like the wisdom teeth.

What is the function of the auricularis?

The function of the auricularis muscle group is to adjust the scalp and the ear in order to hear sounds better. Most of the muscles in this group are generally thin and shaped like a fan near the ear cartilage.

What kind of muscle is your hearing made of?

ear muscle

What is smallest muscle in the human?

the stapedius muscle inside the ear

What is the smalest muscle?

The hammer in the ear

The weakiest muscle in your body?

A small muscle in the ear named Stapedius

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The function of semi circular canal in the ear is balance and orientation

What is an anterior auricular muscle?

An anterior auricular muscle is a muscle surrounding the auricula, or outer ear.

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The muscle tissue's main function is to contract.

What might you have if you are 16 have had five ear infections muscle pain joint pain and have a swollen lymph node between the neck and left shoulder?

most probable differential is a infectious mononucleosus (imn). confirm by imn monospot test.

What is the function of the anvil ear?

A tiny bone in the ear which conducts sound from the ear drum to the middle ear.

What is the function of the cones in the ear?

circular shape in the outer ear