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Q: What was the progress of the war before and through the turning point at Saratoga and winter at Valley Forge?
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Did winter at Valley Forge come before battle of saratoga?

saratoga came before valley forge. the patriots were waiting for french aid at valley forge after saratoga

What was the river valley that was the scene of Burgoyne's surrender at saratoga in 1777?

In 1777, the river valley that provided the general scene for British General Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga was the Hudson. In the two years prior to this surrender, various military actions had been fought alongside or near the Hudson River. In the fall of 1777, a true turning-point in the war occurred with the American victory at Saratoga.

What two victories gave new hope to Washington's men?

Battle at Saratoga and Valley Forge

The river valley that was the focus of Britain's early military strategy and the scene of Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga in 1777?

Hudson Valley

The river valley that was the focus of britains early military strategy and the scene of burgoyne's surrender at saratoga in 1777?

Ohio River Valley

What was the river valley that was the focus of Britain's early military strategy and the scene of Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga in 1777?

Hudson River Valley

Which event occurred first battle of Yorktown winter at Valley Forge battle of saratoga battle of Lexington and concord?

1775- Lexington and Concord 1777-Battle of Saratoga 1777-8- Winter at Valley Forge 1781- Battle of Yorktown

What were the main events of 1777?

In 1777, the American Revolutionary War saw significant events such as the Battles of Saratoga, where American forces defeated the British, leading to France openly supporting the American cause. Additionally, the winter encampment at Valley Forge tested the resolve of the Continental Army under George Washington. Finally, British General Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga was a turning point in the war.

How was the Valley Forge a turning point?

it can't

Where is the Blackstone Valley Angel Of Hope in Uxbridge Massachusetts located?

The address of the Blackstone Valley Angel Of Hope is: 58 Saratoga Drive, Uxbridge, MA 01569-1956

What happened that caused Valley Forge?

The Victory at Saratoga and the promises from help from Europe boost-ed American morale. Even so, Washington's Continental Army had to face hard times as it suffered through the long, cold winter of 1777-1778 at a makeshift camp at Valley Forge.

Did the battle of saratoga battle of Yorktown battle of lexington and concord or winter at Valley Forge occur first?

lexington and concord