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Q: What was the punishment for the Israelites if they worshipped a false god?
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How did the religion of ancient israelites differ from those of its neighbors?

The ancient Israelite worshipped 1 God exclusively. The neighbors around the Israelites worshipped gods made of wood and stone.

Was Baal a female goddess worshipped by the Philistines?

A:Not true. Baal was a male god worshipped by the Philistines, but also by the Edomites, Israelites, Aramaeans and Phoenicians. There is very little evidence that Baal was worshipped in the southern Hebrew kingdom of Judah, but he was worshipped everywhere else around the Levant in ancient times.

Japanese leader that was worshipped as a god?

The Japanese leader that was worshipped as a god was known as Emperor Kimmei. He was worshipped as the god of Shinto.

Is believing in God bearing false witness?

Of course not. Believing is what you perceive to be in a sense of truth. You can believe God exists without any reprimanding punishment. How could it be false witness? There is nothing false about it. If you believe in God, then to you, He is Truth in all forms.

What prophet did God send to the northern kingdom of Israel to show the people that the gods worshipped by King Ahab were false gods?


Because israelites worshipped one God did they practice Judaism?

They worshiped one God above all others, but that isn't the reason they practiced Judaism. They practiced Judaism because of the ethics and teachings given to them through their leaders (from or inspired by God).

Why did touching the Ark of the Covenant mean death?

In the Hebrew Bible, it is stated that the Ark of the Covenant was believed to be a sacred object that contained the presence of God. Any unauthorized contact with it was considered disrespectful and punishable by death as a way to emphasize its holiness and the need for strict adherence to religious laws.

What is a sentence for worshipped?

The villagers worshipped the ancient tree as a symbol of their unity and strength.

How come it took 40 years for the Israelites to go from Memphis Egypt to Israel?

God had them delay their journey as a punishment for the complaint in Numbers ch.13.

Was Jonah or Elijah the prophet that God sent to the northern kingdom of Israel to show the people that the gods worshipped by King Ahab were false gods?


What made the Israelite's religious beliefs unique?

Most people of the time worshipped more than one God, the Israelites were monotheistic(as long as Moses was watching). It is possible that Moses got the idea from Egyptian Ra (the Sun God).

Who worshipped the god an?

The people